Regal Unlimited!

Regal Unlimited!

Regal Unlimited

May have mentioned a time (or two) how big a movie fan I am.  It probably stems from the summers between school and my sister and I would watch countless movies (on VHS) over and over again to fill the time void.  It is also inherently a ‘guilty pleasure’ on my mom’s side of the family as my Grandmy (that I never met) was a big proponent of the movies.  I tend to draw a lot of inspiration from movies I watch, either in how they are made or the stories they tell.

About a year ago, the MOVIE PASS company hit the scene and really changed my movie going experience by offering to see movies (in the theater) for only $9.99/mo.  I know, too good to be true, right?  It was good for a couple of months, and as it turns out the company’s business model was severely flawed.  They are still around, but I cancelled after it was almost impossible to see any more movies using the pass.  Towards the end, the movie would show up as available, and by the time you got to the theater (the app worked by proximity to the ticket booth), the movie would no longer be available.

The movie theater’s themselves have slowly started unveiling their own monthly plans.  AMC has one, and, more recently Regal unveiled their “Unlimited” plan for $18 (+tax) /month.  I am now signed up… and loving it.  So far I’ve seen 3 movies:  Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, Avengers:  Endgame (re-release), and The Farewell.  The program works through Regal’s smart phone app and (knock on wood) no hiccups so far.

I know movies are a big time commitment, but there is something about sitting in a dark cinema and having a huge image projected onto a screen.  As far as inspiration goes, I have a couple of ideas I may put to canvas soon after watching these movies.

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